The best resource ever to step up your Web Development career.

Learn industry standards.

Learning the tech that everyone uses in the real world, including:


The language that everyone uses in the industry.


The most popular frontend library.


The best platform to run a React Single-Page Application.

React Query

The best data handling library for React.


The best Website Builder


The most popular TypeScript Server-Side App Framework.


A fantastic ORM for SQL databases.

Tailwind CSS

The best way to style pages.


The best in SQL databases.

The Curriculum

Go from zero to Junior Full-Stack Developer.

Fundamentals of the Web

Understanding the basic concepts and technologies that power the World Wide Web.


The markup language used to structure content on the web.


Styling language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML.


The protocol for transmitting data over the internet.

Tailwind CSS

A CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.


The programming language of the Web.


A JavaScript runtime for server-side programming.


Alter HTML documents within the browser.


Actions or occurrences that happen in a web browser, which can be responded to in code.


Interactive elements used to collect user input on web pages.

Relational databases

Database design and modeling


A standard language for storing, manipulating, and retrieving data in databases.


An advanced, open-source relational database management system.


An advanced, modern framework built on top of Node.js.


Build a REST API to execute CRUD operations.


Build sites and apps with Astro, a modern website builder. Learn about routing, SEO, showing data, handling forms.


A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

... and much more

A ton more stuff covered.

Opinions from our past cohorts

Over 5,000 students graduated from the Bootcamp in the past 5 years.

Stephen Parker

"Flavio has a remarkable gift for simplifying complex technical subjects into easily digestible chunks of knowledge. His amazing courses have significantly propelled my progress as a developer. Highly recommended!"

Victor Campos

The web development bootcamp was a game changer for me. It teached me how to develop modern web applications using the best practices, I recommend it 100%!!!

Ivan Zulfikar

I can’t recommend enough this course for self learner developer. It gives me the bird eye view of current technology and lots of portfolio projects. But my most valuable takeaway from this course is the newbie learning community that learns together with you. For me, this course boost my confidence to apply for dev jobs, and alhamdulillah, 1 month later I got a full time job as developer.

Brad Alexander

This course was a game changer for me. the more regimented coursework made me realize I had to grind harder if I wanted to make it. It's also teaches you a wide range of skills, vs udemy courses where you'll learn 5 skill sets maybe at most. Here you'll learn 20+ (probably more). I already feel like I've learned 20x what I could have found on my own. Thanks Flavio!

Geoff Hollingworth

Flavio offers a personal feeling bootcamp course that allows you to interact with him and 50+ fellow course participants using discord and great online courses. If you can "do JavaScript" but want to go the next level I highly recommend joining where you can work at your own pace but take part with many others for support. Come increase the fun!

Pete Roobol

I am really enjoying Flavio's course, there are so many nuggets of wisdom in there. To have such a vast range of smooth flowing and consistent Javascript learning material in one place is a pleasure- thank you Flavio!!

Farkas Attila

I learned the most valuable lessons in practice, theory, and execution. The bootcamp gives a well defined curriculum including projects and examples. The text based style is just exponentially great and Flavio is always there to help out!

Ayu Adiati

Finally I found an affordable & flexible ONLINE bootcamp where I can manage my time between learning and my family. Fellow students who always help each other & with Flavio himself actively engages with what student needs help me enormously in my learning journey!

Anna Kalil

This course is much more satisfying than General Assembly's JavaScript Development class. Flavio gets into the nitty gritty of how things work and why they work that way. I'm a QA Engineer at a tech startup and I'm learning a lot about the tools that my Engineering team already uses and I think it's helping me to be better at my job. I also really appreciate that you can work on this course at your own pace.

Tom Phillips

I just wanted to share what a great experience I am having in this bootcamp. I was so nervous to sign up for this, but after a month, I am getting to know some great people from all over who share my enthusiasm for building web apps. In a short time I have already learned a LOT. I love Tailwind CSS, and now that we are beginning the JavaScript portion of the bootcamp, I am even more excited than I was before the class started. Honestly, this has been one of the best decisions I have made. Thanks for all of your efforts to lift us up as pro developers and for giving me a break on the tuition. It is worth every penny and then some!

Christian Halvorsen

I started learning programming a couple of months before the bootcamp started, and it felt overwhelming to figure out how I should approach it. I tried using other tutorials, but the ones I found were mostly video-based and I found it hard to follow, especially since I am a beginner. However, this bootcamp is text based, and I find it much more enjoyable to be able to go back and read the material again, I feel I am absorbing the information in a different way. Also, the bootcamp has given me a good structure for learning all the topics that are necessary to become a full stack developer, which would have taken me a very long time to figure out on my own. In addition, the discord community is very friendly, and I have found lots of help and information from the chat.


I had some background in learning this programming language, but this course offered so much more insight into all things that happens behind the scenes! I fell a little bit more confident, that I will be able to prosper my future career with JavaScript.

Lamberto Asghedom

The JS Bootcamp is an excellent resource for anybody looking to improve. I still use this course as a primary resource for gaps in JS knowledge. Highly recommend you give this course a try!

Aurore Knapic

It's great to be part of the JS Bootcamp, learning new things with the friendly Discord community. A nice thing about Flavio's course is that the theory is written in small fun blocks with some practical projects on the side so it allows you to follow it easily.

Corey Gwin

Flavio's lessons get you building real things right away. The variety of projects you'll build will serve as great examples for building your own products. He uses the latest libraries, tech and tools to get you up and running in no time.

Khanh Mai

I've learnt a lot from Flavio's React.js, Node.js related courses, since my current job tech stack is using javascript a lot. The challenges in the end of each lesson are interesting as well. I do agree with Flavio as his courses format are not videos. So I can reference anytime I want to remind myself anything.

Giandomenico Riceputi

Flavio is a great developer with the humility to show his process in development; instead of showing only the perfect 'Ciak'. This translates into a real lesson where you can learn the mindset, the approach you face, the theory but you come home with much more. Becoming a programmer is hard, Flavio is teaching me a serious and profitable approach to becoming a good developer with real projects.

Joan Henry

Flavio's courses are a great resource that you can reference from time-time when you get stuck. They are well-organized & follow a flow that will make understanding them easier as you go on plus you get to actually build something while learning.

Francisco Intriago

The course has been very good. I learned a lot and it got me thinking about what I have to work on and improve. I found the content and pace of the workshop excellent, I like the format. This was the first time I was involved in webinar training, and it has been a great learning experience, there are so many little things to know and learn one couldn’t possibly learn it on their own, and that’s where Flavio and the JS Bootcamp really make the difference. Also, I found it to be a very good webinar for new-comers to the web world. The information provided will prove to be very useful in practice.

Illia Laziuk

Hi everyone. My name is Illia, I am from Belarus, little country in the middle of the Europe. I am a second year student now. And I want to tell you about my expressions about The JS Bootcamp. It was really awesome. I found this course at the end of May and understood, that is what I really want to learn in the summer, while I was on vacation. I don’t know English very well, and this course was really good to learn it with Flavio. You should be very hardworking to finish that course, because there are a lot of new information, and you need to understand it in a little period of time. At the and or this course you can try to find work, because now you know all concepts of JS, and it is enough to be JS developer.

Marco Kuprat

I have learnt a lot and really could expand my knowledge. One of the main things I learned: there's so much more you can do with JavaScript today compared to 12 years ago, so it is inevitable to stay up to date. This bootcamp is the right place, because you get information that starts from zero up to advanced modern topics. And the Discord chat gives you the opportunity to discuss with the other participants in order to seek for and provide help or just to chat. I can recommend the JavaScript Bootcamp to everyone who is involved in web development!

Christian Schlobach

You will be hard-pressed to find a more comprehensive course for full-stack web development on the Internet. Modern web development requires you to know a lot. And Flavio provides that knowledge with enough depth to keep you going when the bootcamp is over. The material is well-presented, easy to follow and actually up-to-date. You will learn what is relevant now or, more importantly, what might be essential tomorrow and not what was hot yesterday. There is so much to learn. And it will require further studies on my own. But for the first time I have the feeling that I can get somewhere with an online course, working confidently on the front- and backend, equipped with the knowledge of an up-to-date tech stack. Hence, if you want to become a full-stack JS developer I wholeheartedly recommend this bootcamp!

Dominique M.

I love Flavio's courses, and reference books also, because they are very different from other resources. It feels like you are doing some peer programming with a more experienced colleague and friend who takes great care of your understanding and rapid implementation of what is covered. It is also great if you want to ramp up rapidly on ReactJS, and discover new things like Netlify, MACH, and JAMstack. Thank you, Flavio for putting your learning materials together.

Miguel mvqdev

Flavio’s Boot Camp gave me the directions, resources and knowledge on how to achieve a next level Web Development. The project based curriculum is the best way to quickly put in practice the lessons and move them to your own projects. It gives and explains all the foundations you need. And to go a step further, you will always have an active discord community that grows around the boot camp

Johannes Langosch

The Bootcamp 2022 was really amazing. After a brief introduction in javascript, nextjs, react, tailwind, databases and Rest API we practiced building real projects, also deployed in production. These projects were really exciting, especially because they combine frontend and backend functionality. In combination with an online database it is now possible for us to build great projects ourselves. It is precisely this aspect that makes this course so valuable for me. I’m very motivated to continue programming and improve my skills! I am proud to be on this level now, thank you Flavio!


I look forward to registering for each new course by Flavio because of the combination of clear instruction, international peers from a range of backgrounds and experiences, flexible asynchronous content and assignments, encouragement of constructive climate and the opportunity to participate in Discord cohort interactions. I first encountered Flavio's instruction through an assigned article in a class, which led me to his e-books. Flavio has an impressive ability to provide concise explanations that are complete enough to comprehensively introduce topics to beginners. His courses are a valuable extension to his writing at

Deepak B

Flavio's courses are simply fantastic!!! He breakdown all the concepts in small bites that are easy to comprehend and digest. Included in his courses are short videos, text and obviously the discord community that Flavio monitors daily and will response to your question within hours. The classes are top quality at very affordable prices. The entire curriculum is project based so I had the opportunity to learn a concept put it in use right away create a project on the cloud. I highly encourage folks to give the 5 star course a try.


At the time I was unemployed, and non-able to pay for a bootcamp. Thanks to Flavio's financial help I could join a high quality bootcamp. By studying seriously his bootcamp + free material, I was able to land a job as a fullstack software developer. Flavio’s bootcamp contains the latest technology that gave a huge advantage over other candidates. Flavio is a great programmer, great teacher, but specially he has a golden heart


Answers to your questions

When does the course start?

The course starts in February 2025

Is this a cohort course? Or self-serve course?

The Bootcamp is a cohort course. A new section drop every 2 weeks.

What's the format of the lessons?

Every 2 weeks I will unlock multiple modules, each containing various lessons. Lessons are text based, with videos that integrate and show practical demos. Text is better to parse, to copy code snippets from, search and reference later.

Can I follow the bootcamp at my own pace?

Yes! You can't go faster than the schedule, but no problem with going a bit slower!

What are the prerequisites?

No prerequisites. This course does not assume any prior knowledge with programming languages or Web development

Can I skip the initial weeks or do the bootcamp faster?

No, every 2 weeks I unlock a new set of lessons. In part it's because a big value in the bootcamp is going through one exercise at a time, all together. It's a community event. Every week you work on the same topics as everyone else and you'll find in the chat all the help you need. '

What's the difference with a $10 Udemy course?

Since a couple people asked, Udemy courses are not $10 but typically $89+ and always discounted. They work on big numbers, so you'd be one of the 50.000 people that bought the same course. It's easy to buy and forget about it, as there's no motivation to complete it. This is a different thing. It's a cohort-based course. You will have access to a community chat of students that started the course on the same day as you did. This means you have accountability and motivation. Make friends with your fellow class mates to get the most out of the bootcamp, and challenge each other! There's no way this bootcamp will end up like the dozens of courses you purchased but never finished.

I joined a past edition 2020/21/22/23/24, is this bootcamp different?

The 2025 edition is completely different (100% different) from the past editions. A new signup is required, but I will have a big discount for you since you joined the bootcamp in the past. Email me.

Who is this bootcamp for?

Too many tutorials and little action? This bootcamp is perfect for you. Looking to get into React with practical projects? This bootcamp is perfect for you. Ready to step up your JS? This bootcamp is perfect for you. You're a frontend dev and you want to get more fullstack/backend skills? This bootcamp is great for you. You're a jQuery user? This bootcamp is perfect for you to get into the more modern JS world. You're a backend dev and you want to get more frontend skills? This bootcamp is great for you.

What's the effort required?

I estimate a minimum of about 1-2 hours every weekday. You can do more if you can dedicate more time, of course. You can also do 4-5 hours a day in the weekend, if you prefer. I built it so it's perfectly reasonable to enroll even if you have a full time job. Consistency is the key here. Consistency without burning out.

Will I get a certificate at the end?

Yes. As an independent online course, as for certificates you get using other common online courses sites, it is not officially recognized because I'm not an accredited education institution.

Do you have a refund policy?

Yes. You have a no-questions-asked 100% refund if you are not happy with the bootcamp and if you don't think you get value from it, up to 14 days after joining.

What kind of projects will we create?

All sorts of projects, from backend to frontend (React apps, Next.js apps)... Full Stack!

Will I have access to the course lesson at the end of the bootcamp?

Yes, they will be yours forever.

Coming soon

Join the waitlist

The 2025 cohort will start in February 2025.

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